Hyperspectral imaging is a powerful tool for analysing an object's characteristics using advanced cameras that capture data beyond the visible light spectrum.
Light travels at different wavelengths producing what humans see as different colours. However, our eyes can only detect a narrow portion of light known as the visible light spectrum. Generally speaking, most people can see light within a spectrum ranging from violet, through to red (380-700nm).
Above: Visible light vs. hyperspectral imaging
Other animals and machines can detect light well beyond the visible spectrum. Using advanced hyperspectral cameras, Hyperceptions can capture and analyse images ranging from 380-2500nm. Using machine vision and advanced algorithms, Hyperceptions can "see" well beyond the visible light spectrum and provide powerful insights about what is on and under the surface below.
Hyperceptions have brought hyperspectral imaging to the skies. Using a fixed wing aircraft, Hyperceptions can produce detailed scans of the land below, and provide valuable insights to farmers, growers, forestry, conservationists, and many more.
Check out the example below on how Hyperceptions is increasing farm productivity with targeted fertiliser application.
Know your Nutrients
Hyperspectral imaging allows farmers and growers to visualise nutrient deficiencies across their land.
The colour gradients represent nutrient deficiencies, helping you apply fertiliser only where it is needed, reducing fertiliser costs.
Farmers are faced with many challenges when managing their pasture, crops, and soil conditions. Hyperspectral imaging is making it easier than ever, to monitor nutrients and provides powerful insights to manage your crops and pasture more effectively.
Hyperceptions Limited offers full service hyperspectral surveys for NZ agricultural and forestry industries, using a range of advanced instruments and know-how from Massey University.
Hyperspectral analysis provides accurate and dependable qualitative information on pasture construct to help guide farming operations. This can be used to accurately determine effective farming areas and pasture-carrying capacity through to more targeted pasture renewal and fertiliser application. Identifying the best land to crop enables farmers to calculate better returns from fertiliser investment prior to planting.
Working through Ravensdown, Hyperceptions can also provide accurate fertility maps to deliver targeted aerial fertiliser application. By delivering fertiliser only where it is needed farmers can reduce their fertiliser costs and manage their farms more effectively.
Hyperceptions surveys can also provide information on native forest biodiversity including weed control, monitoring of regenerating native bush and provide disaster damage assessment for regional councils.
Check out our full range of services here.